About Pillow Talking
Not just “a pillow talk podcast” but a podcast about pillow talk – and everything it can mean.
The bedroom can be a sanctum and a sanctuary. It can also be an arena and a battleground… as well as a playground. But more than anything else, behind its closed door, it’s the place where we are most ourselves. It is, after all, a place of nakedness – both literal and figurative.
And when two people share the bedroom, each of those things acquires layers and facets. What we do here is until what we do elsewhere, even elsewhere in our own homes. And the conversations we have with each other here are unlike the conversations we have with each other anywhere else. It is our relationship laid bare.
This is Pillow Talking: pillow talk stories that are singular and revealing just because of where they take place – the bedroom.
At its heart, Pillow Talking is an exploration of intimacy: what is it? When does it – or doesn’t it – happen? And how is it made manifest in our bedroom talk?
But even though the theme is intimacy, the narrative is not voyeuristic. In each pillow talk story we are introduced to people at their most vulnerable, but we are not peeping into private moments without permission. We can only see the glimpses that the storyteller wants us to see.
Is Pillow Talking a relationships podcast, or a storytelling podcast? Maybe it’s both. But without a doubt, what it most is is a creative undertaking. Because, after all, even relationships are created.
Pillow Talking is produced, narrated, and edited by me, Violeta Balhas, from stories by you, the listeners and pillow talkers. Music is by Radovan Jekic. You can contact Radovan at studioredtaperecords[at]gmail.com
About me.
My name is Violeta Balhas, and I’m a professional writer of nearly 40 years’ experience. My work – books, essays, op eds, articles, and short stories – has been published in Australia, the UK and the US. For the last 10 years or so I have turned my writing and editing talents to the business world, working in content marketing. The Pillow Talking Project is my long-awaited (by me, that is) return to my longest love affair: storytelling.
If you have any questions or comments, get in touch.